\version "2.24.0" date = #(strftime "%d %B %Y" (localtime (current-time))) % source: https://www.alfred.com/flowers/p/00-50747/ \header { title = "Flowers" composer = "Miley Cyrus" %tagline = \markup {\bold \date} tagline = \markup \bold{ 24 April 2023 } } % music pieces %part: melody melody = { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Melody " \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief \relative c' { \key f \major \time 4/4 % verse1 | R1 | r2 \mf r8 f e d ~ | d2 r8 f e d ~ | d2 r8 d d e ~ | e4 \glissando c8 e( c) c( ) ~ | 2 r8 f' e d ~ | d2 r8 f e d ~ | d2 r8 f d e ~ | e4 \glissando c8 e( c) c( ) ~ | 2 r8 f'( g) g ~ | g8 g16 g g8 f16 g ~ g8 d r g ~ | g8 g16 g g8 f16 g ~ g8 r r e ~ | e8 e d e ~ e d e d e8. f16 ~ f8 g ~ g4 r \bar "||" \repeat segno 2 { \mark 15 | r4 \f 8 | 2. r4 | r4 8 d ( | 16 8. ~ 2) r4 | r8 8 ( ) ( | 2.) r4 | r8 ( ) 16 8 16( ~ | 2.) r4 | r4 8 ~ | 8 16( 2) r4 | r8 4 ~ \times 2/3 { 8 } | 2 r8 a g f | d8. a'16 ~ a8 g ~ g f( e) e ~ | e2 r8 f( e) d ~ \mark 29 | d8 r | r8 ^\markup{ \italic \bold "2nd time to Coda"} g g \bar "||" \alternative { \volta 1 { | r8 r | r8 c' ~ \mark 33 | d2 r8 f e d ~ | d2 r8 f d e ~ | e4 \glissando c8 e( c) c( a) a ~ | a2 r8 f' e d ~ | d2 r8 f e d ~ | d2 r8 f d e ~ | e8 c c e( c) c( a) a ~ | a2 r8 ( ) ~ | 16 8 16 ~ 8 d r ~ | 16 8 16 ~ 8 r r ~ | 8 ~ | 8. 16 ~ 8 ~ 4 r } \volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" } } } \break | r8 r | r8 c' a g f | r8 r | r8 g g | r8 r | r2 r8 ( \mf ) ~ \mark 51 | 8 16 8 16 ~ 8 d r ~ | 8 16 8 16 ~ 8 r r ~ | 8 ~ | 8. \< 16 ~ 8 ~ 2 \! | r4 8 \f | 2. r4 | r4 8 d ( | 16 8. ~ 2) r4 | r8 8 ( ) ( | 2.) r4 | r8 ( ) 16 8 16( ~ | 2.) r4 \mark 63 | r4 8 ~ | 8 16( 2) r4 | r8 4 ~ \times 2/3 { 8 } | 2 r8 a g f | d8. a'16 ~ a8 g ~ g f( e) e ~ | e2 r8 a g f | d8. a'16 ~ a8 g ~ g f4 8 ~ | 2 r \mark 71 | r8 r | r8 g g | r8 r | r8 c' a g f | r8 r | r8 g g | r8 r | R1 \fine } } %part: solo solo = { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Solo " \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief \relative c'' { \key f \major \time 4/4 % verse1 | R1*14 \repeat segno 2 { | R1*16 \alternative { \volta 1 { | R1*14 } \volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" } } } | R1*4 %| r2 r8 c( \f ~ c d16 c %| d16 c a8 ~ a4) r2 | R1*2 | R1*19 | r2 r8 c( \f a) d16( c | d1 ~ | d2 ~ d4) r8 d( | c1) | r4 r8 c ~ c4 a8 d16( c | d2 d16-- c a8) r bes ~ | bes2. r8 d-- | c8-- r r4 r2 | R1 \fine } } %part: harmony harmony = { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Harmony " \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief \relative c' { \key f \major \time 4/4 % verse1 | R1*13 | r4 \pp 8 \< \! \bar "||" \repeat segno 2 { \mark 15 | r4 \f 8 | 2. r4 | r4 8 ~ | 2. r4 | r8 4 8 ~ | 2. r4 | r8 4 16 8 16 ~ | 2. r4 | r4 c'8 a c a c ~ | 8 ~ 2 r4 | r8 c c c c4 ~ \times 2/3 { c8 c c } | 2 r8 a g f | bes8. 16 ~ 8 ~ ( ) ~ | 2 r \mark 29 | r8 r | r8 ^\markup{ \italic \bold "2nd time to Coda"} \bar "||" \alternative { \volta 1 { | r8 c c c c c r | r8 c' a g f \mark 33 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r8 a g a ~ a r r4 | r8 g a bes ~ bes bes bes c ~ | c8 g g c( g) g( f) f ~ | f2 r | R1 | r2 r4 r8 a ~ | a8 a a a ~ a a a a | a8. a16 ~ a8 ~ 4 r } \volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" } } } \break | r8 c c c c c r | r8 c' a g f | r8 r | r8 | r8 c c c c c r | R1 \mark 51 | R1 | r2 r4 r8 a ~ | a8 a a a ~ a a a a | a8. \< a16 ~ a8 ~ 2 \! | r4 8 \f | 2. r4 | r4 8 ~ | 2. r4 | r8 4 8 ( | 2.) r4 | r8 4 16 8 16 ~ | 2. r4 \mark 63 | r4 c'8 a c a c ~ | 8 ~ 2 r4 | r8 c c c c4 ~ \times 2/3 { c8 c c } | 2 r8 a g f | d'8. 16 ~ 8 ~ ( ) ~ | 2 r8 a g f | bes8. 16 ~ 8 ~ 4 8 ~ | 2 r \mark 71 | r8 r | r8 | r8 c c c c c r | r8 c' a g f | r8 r | r8 | r8 c c c c c r %| 4 8 a %| f8 c d bes c a bes f | 4. r8 r2 \fine } } %part: bass bass = { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass " \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief \relative c, { \key f \major \time 4/4 | f8 \mf c' e a ~ a2 ~ | a1 | d,,4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 f g f e | d4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 f g f e | d4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g2 | a1 | R1 \bar "||" \repeat segno 2 { \mark 15 | r4 \f d,-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 f f'-. e, e'-. | d,4-. d-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 f d' c a | d,4-. d-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 e4. e8 | bes'4. bes8 bes c bes a | a2 ~ a8 a a a \mark 29 | d,4. d8 d f a f | g4.^\markup{ \italic \bold "2nd time to Coda"} g8 g a g e \bar "||" \alternative { \volta 1 { | c4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 e2 \mark 33 | d4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 f g f e | d4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d e f | f4. f8 e4. e8 | d4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g r r g | a4. a8 ~ a a a4 | a'4 a a,8-> a-> a-> a-> } \volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" } } } \break | c,4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 f f'-. e, e'-. | d,4-. d-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4-. \> f-. c'8 d c a \! \mark 51 | d1 \mf | g,2. r4 | R1 | R1 | r4 d-. \f d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 f f'-. e, e'-. | d,4-. d-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 f d' c a \mark 63 | d,4-. d-. d8 f a f | g4-. g-. g8 a g e | c4-. c-. c8 d g d | f4. f8 e4. e8 | bes'4. bes8 bes c bes a | a2 ~ a8 a a a | bes4. bes8 bes c bes a | a2 ~ a8 a a a \mark 71 | d,4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d g d | f4. f8 f f'-. e, e'-. | d,4. d8 d f a f | g4. g8 g a g e | c4. c8 c d g d %| f4. f8 f f'-. f, a | f4. r8 r2 \fine } } %words theLyrics = \lyricmode { We were good __ we were gold __ Kind of dream __ that can't be sold __ We were right __ 'til we weren't __ Build a home __ and watched it __ burn __ Mm, I __ did -- n't wan -- na leave you, I __ did -- n't wan -- na lie. __ Start -- ed to cry __ but then re -- mem -- bered I... __ I can buy my -- self flow -- ers, write my name in the sand, __ talk to my -- self for hours, __ say things you don't un -- der -- stand. __ I can take my -- self danc -- ing, __ and I can hold my own hand. __ Yeah, I can love me bet -- ter __ than __ you can. __ Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by, can love me bet -- ter, I can love me _ Paint my nails __ cher -- ry red. __ Match the ros -- es that you left. __ No re -- morse, __ no re -- gret, __ I for -- get __ ev -- 'ry word you said. __ Oo, __ I __ did -- n't wan -- na leave you, I __ did -- n't wan -- na fight. Start -- ed to cry, but then re -- mem -- bered I __ Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. Can love me bet -- ter, I Oo, I __ did -- n't wan -- na leave you, I __ did -- n't wan -- na fight. Start -- ed to cry, but then re -- mem -- bered I __ I can buy my -- self flow -- ers, __ write my name in the sand, __ talk to my -- self for hours, __ say things you don't un -- der -- stand. __ I can take my -- self danc -- ing, __ and I can hold my own hand. Yeah, I can love me bet -- ter __ than, __ yeah I can love me bet -- ter than, __ Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. Can love me bet -- ter, I can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. Can love me bet -- ter, I. } theLyricsSolo = \lyricmode { % I __ you can. __ Ah. __ Ba -- by, can. __ Oh __ wo oh! } theLyricsHarmony = \lyricmode { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can love me bet -- ter, ba -- by. No re -- morse, No re -- grets, } theChords = \chordmode { % verse1 | f1:7 | f1:7 | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 | d1:m | g2..:m a8:7 | a1:7 | a1:7 | a4:7 d2.:m | g1:m | c1 | f2. c4/e | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f2 c2/e | bes1 | a1 | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f2 c2/e | d1:m | g2..:m c8 | c4. c8:7 c4.:7 f8 | f4. f8:7 f4.:7 d8:m | d1:m | g2..:m c8 | c2.. f8 | f4. f4:7 f4.:7 | d2..:m g8:m | g2..:m a8:7 | a1:7 | a1:7 | c1 | f2. c4/e | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 | d1:m | g2..:m a8 | a1 | a1 | a4 d2.:m | g1:m | c1 | f2. c4/e | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f2 c/e | bes1 | a1 | bes1 | a1 | d1 | g1:m | c1 | f2. c4/e | d1:m | g1:m | c1 | f1 } %layout \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves } } \book { \score { << \tempo 4 = 120 \unfoldRepeats \new Staff \solo \unfoldRepeats \new Staff \melody \unfoldRepeats \new Staff { \transpose c c \harmony } \unfoldRepeats \new Staff { \transpose c c \bass } >> \midi { } } } #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait) #(define output-suffix "C-Score") \book { \paper { } \header { instrument = "C / do" } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \theChords } \new Voice = "solo" { \solo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "solo" { \theLyricsSolo } \new Voice = "melody" { \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \theLyrics } \new Voice = "harmony" { \clef "bass" \transpose c c, \harmony } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "harmony" { \theLyricsHarmony } \new Staff { \clef "bass" \bass } >> } } #(define output-suffix "C-Solo-Melody") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 page-count = #2 } \header { instrument = "C / do" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \theChords } \new Staff \solo \new Staff { \transpose c c' \melody } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "C-Harmony") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "C / do" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \theChords } \new Staff { \clef "bass" \transpose c c, \harmony } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "C-Bass") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "C / do" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \theChords } \new Staff { \clef "bass" \bass } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Bflat-Score") \book { \paper { } \header { instrument = "B flat / Si bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose bes c \theChords } \new Voice = "solo" { \transpose bes c' \solo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "solo" { \theLyricsSolo } \new Voice = "melody" { \transpose bes c' \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \theLyrics } \new Voice = "harmony" { \transpose bes c' \harmony } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "harmony" { \theLyricsHarmony } \new Staff \transpose bes c''' \bass >> } } #(define output-suffix "Bflat-Solo-Melody") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #2 } \header { instrument = "B flat / Si bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose bes c \theChords } \new Staff \transpose bes c' \solo \new Staff \transpose bes c' \melody >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Bflat-Harmony") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "B flat / Si bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose bes c \theChords } \new Staff { \transpose bes c' \harmony } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Bflat-Bass") \book { \paper { } \header { instrument = "B flat / Si bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose bes c \theChords } \new Staff \transpose bes c''' \bass >> } } #(define output-suffix "Eflat-Score") \book { \paper { } \header { instrument = "E flat / Mi bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose ees c \theChords } \new Voice = "solo" { \transpose ees c' \solo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "solo" { \theLyricsSolo } \new Voice = "melody" { \transpose ees c' \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \theLyrics } \new Voice = "harmony" { \transpose ees c \harmony } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "harmony" { \theLyricsHarmony } \new Staff \transpose ees c'' \bass >> } } #(define output-suffix "Eflat-Solo-Melody") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #2 } \header { instrument = "E flat / Mi bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose ees c \theChords } \new Staff \transpose ees c' \solo \new Voice = "melody" { \transpose ees c' \melody } %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \theLyrics } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Eflat-Melody") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "E flat / Mi bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose ees c \theChords } %\new Staff \transpose ees c' \solo \new Voice = "melody" { \transpose ees c' \melody } %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \theLyrics } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Eflat-Harmony") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "E flat / Mi bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose ees c \theChords } \new Staff { \transpose ees c \harmony } >> } } } #(define output-suffix "Eflat-Bass") \book { \paper { %#(define indent (* 0 cm)) %between-system-padding=0 %page-count = #1 } \header { instrument = "E flat / Mi bémol" } \score { \new StaffGroup { << %\new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \transpose ees c \theChords } \new Staff { \transpose ees c'' \bass } >> } } }